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Why is my data not working?
Updated over 2 months ago

If your data isn't working, there's usually a quick-fix. We've written a handy checklist below to help you - it's worth running through this before you contact us!

Things to check:

  1. Double-check you haven't exceeded your data allowance. You can check this in your account dashboard online or in-app.

  2. Double-check your plan is active and you’re up to date on payments.

  3. Look at your device settings. Double-check your data is on and Airplane mode is off. If you're on iPhone then also make sure you have correctly set up your APN settings using this article.

  4. Check for reported network outages or planned maintenance. You can check here.

If everything checks out, you might need to reset your network settings. Turn Airplane mode on and then restart your device. When your device is back on, turn Airplane mode off.

⛏️ If you need further assistance, try our friendly AI chatbot. He's specially trained to get you sorted.

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