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How do I set up voicemail/ visual voicemail?
How do I set up voicemail/ visual voicemail?
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Your voicemail and visual voicemail is automatically activated when you first use your SIM so you’re not going to miss important messages. But, if you want to use features beyond basic voicemail then we've written some guides below.

Recording a custom message:

  • Dial 121 and follow the prompts.

  • Or, navigate to voicemail on your phone app and select “Greeting”. You’ll be able to record a personal greeting however many times you need and then hit “Save” to keep your new message.

Set up a security PIN:

  • A voicemail PIN is required to access voicemail when abroad and from another device.

  • Call 121 from your mobile. Follow the instructions (option 4 then option 2) to set up your 4-digit PIN.

  • Remember to avoid easy sequences like 1234 and make sure to change your PIN regularly for better security.

🔔 A voicemail PIN is required to access voicemail when abroad, so make sure to set it up before travelling internationally!

⛏️ If you need further assistance, try our friendly AI chatbot. He's specially trained to get you sorted.

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