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What is Visual Voicemail? How do I use it?
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Visual Voicemail is a feature that allows you to see a list of your voicemail messages on your phone screen. You can listen to messages, delete unwanted voicemails and see caller information, all without calling a number!

👍 Don't worry, you can still dial 121 for traditional voicemail.

How to use visual voicemail:

  • Firstly, you’ll need a mobile data connection for it to work. Unfortunately, it won’t function on Wi-Fi only.

  • To access visual voicemail, just open the Phone app and tap the Voicemail icon - it’s that easy!

  • You’ll see a list of voicemails. Selecting a particular message will enable you to listen, save, delete or share a particular voicemail through the pop-up symbols.

  • You can also use it to record a personal greeting by selecting “Greeting” and tapping “Record”.

🔔 Note that visual Voicemail should be enabled by default. If you’re having issues, make sure your APN settings are correct and don’t hesitate to contact us through our chatbot for support.

⛏️ If you need further assistance, try our friendly AI chatbot. He's specially trained to get you sorted.

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