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Why doesn’t anything work?!
Updated over 2 months ago

If data, calls and texts aren’t working it can be seriously frustrating. We've written a handy checklist for you to run through - often there's a simple fix.

Possible causes:

  • You may have not set-up your phone for data.

    • Follow this article to check or change your data settings.

  • You might have run out of data.

    • Pop over to your account dashboard, online or in-app, to see your usage, remaining data and your account credit.

  • The network may be down in your area or you don’t have coverage.

    • There may be issues with a mast or poor coverage affecting your service. You can check the network and status and coverage in your area here.

  • You might be connected to a faraway mast.

    • This occurs when your phone incorrectly connects to the wrong mast. Performing a manual roam creates a new connection to the network and should reconnect you to your closest mast. See how to do it here.

  • Your phones just playing up.

    • Try turning your phone off and on again. Frustratingly, sometimes that’s all it takes.

  • Your phone could be locked or faulty.

    • Try your SIM on another phone to see if it works. If it does, it’s likely a device issue and you’ll need to either look into getting it unlocked or getting a replacement.

⛏️ If you need further assistance, try our friendly AI chatbot. He's specially trained to get you sorted.

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